Andrew Moore

Andrew Moore is widely acclaimed for his photographic series, usually taken over many years, which record the effect of time on the natural and built landscape. His publications include Blue Alabama (2019), Dirt Meridian (2015), Cuba (2012), Detroit Disassembled (2010), Governors Island (2004), Russia (2005) and Inside Havana (2002).

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Andrew's Upcoming Workshops

  • II

    Level II

    Photography students have a basic understanding of photography principles and technology and are comfortable using an SLR camera in manual mode. New Media students have a basic understanding of video, multimedia or animation software. Students have basic computer skills and are comfortable using a Macintosh computer.

  • III

    Level III

    Photography students have some formal training and significant experience making, capturing and digitally processing images using Adobe Lightroom and/or Adobe Photoshop. New Media students have some formal training in conceptual and technological aspects of video, multimedia, coding or animation and are versed in the appropriate software applications. Students have a portfolio of their artwork.

Jun 17 - 21, 2024
9AM - 5PM

Photography of Place: Connecting the Inner and Outer

Andrew Moore

Tuition $1,195
Code P0306-24

How does one translate one’s experience of “a sense of place” into a compelling image? And once you have made the image, how do you bring that photograph to life as a print? This two-part workshop covers both shooting on location and studio time for digital printing and critique sessions. In the field, students work directly with the instructor, to help them reimagine their approaches to defining places both technically and aesthetically. Back in the studio, we’ll work on print making skills, and share those results with the class in engaging discussions.

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