Anjuli DiMaria

Anjuli DiMaria is a past ceramics Artist-in-Residence at Anderson Ranch Arts Center and she now makes Snowmass Village her home, along with her husband and three kids. Anjuli knows how hard it can be to understand the world around her, and enjoys helping others make meaning of experiences in life using visual and tactile arts.

Anjuli's Upcoming Workshops

  • Ages 6 - 8

Aug 5 - 9, 2024
9AM - 3PM

Science Studio: Investigate & Illustrate!

Anjuli DiMaria

Tuition $575
Code K1015-24

Embark on an exciting journey through our Imagination Lab workshop, where the worlds of science and art collide! Through interactive activities, engaging discussions, and hands-on art projects, young participants will explore the wonders of our environment, space, animals, and more. Using art as a tool for discovery, we'll delve into the complexities of the natural world, investigating ecosystems, habitats, galaxies, and more. From experimenting with color, texture, and pattern to exploring various mediums like painting, clay, paper-mache, and collage, there's no limit to the creative exploration in store. Join us for an unforgettable adventure where every brushstroke and scientific insight sparks a discovery in our lab!

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