Craig Stevens
Craig Stevens is a photographer, printmaker and educator. He has taught, written, and lectured extensively on the subjects of art and education and was a professor of photography at the Savannah College of Art & Design. Stevens was the first winner of the American Society of Media Photographers’ Annual Susan Carr Educator of the Year Award.
Craig's Links:
Craig's Upcoming Workshops

Level I
Students are new to photography and new media and have no formal training in photography, video, multimedia or animation. Students have basic computer literacy.
Level II
Photography students have a basic understanding of photography principles and technology and are comfortable using an SLR camera in manual mode. New Media students have a basic understanding of video, multimedia or animation software. Students have basic computer skills and are comfortable using a Macintosh computer.
Level III
Photography students have some formal training and significant experience making, capturing and digitally processing images using Adobe Lightroom and/or Adobe Photoshop. New Media students have some formal training in conceptual and technological aspects of video, multimedia, coding or animation and are versed in the appropriate software applications. Students have a portfolio of their artwork.
Sep 1 - 5, 2025
Reimagining Digital Printing: Alternative Methods
Craig Stevens
Tuition $1,425
Code P1430-25
Prepare for a transformative experience and explore the exciting possibilities of alternative digital printing in this unique workshop. Designed to challenge the notion that digital printmaking lacks the flexibility of traditional methods, this course encourages participants to experiment and push the boundaries of what digital printmaking can achieve. Guided by a master printer, participants delve into innovative techniques for creating custom printable substrates, such as applying Ink Aid or Golden Digital Grounds to rag fine art paper. They learn to craft digital skins that can be affixed to a variety of surfaces, print onto film, and transfer images onto paper, metal, and plexiglass. Throughout the week, participants engage in hands-on experimentation, culminating in an expanded understanding of digital prints and revealing an almost limitless range of possibilities for individual imagery. This workshop fosters a spirit of creativity and innovation, empowering artists to redefine their approach to digital printmaking.