Locals' Clubs
Photography, Ceramics and
Painting & Drawing
Join one of our Locals’ Clubs and discover exciting new ways to learn from our expert staff, create work in our studios and be part of the art-making community here at the Ranch.
Photography: Locals’ Photography Salon
The Photography Salon welcomes all who have an interest in photography and lens-based media regardless of their level of expertise. We further our understanding of photography as a visual language and art form through photographic presentations, discussions and portfolio reviews. We invite you to join us!
Please contact Esther Nooner, Studio Coordinator of Photography & New Media, for more information at [email protected]
Painting & Drawing: Locals’ Sketch Club
The Painting & Drawing department invites you to join our Sketch Club. The group meets once per month to draw from a still life, landscape or from source materials like personal photographs. We focus on basic drawing concerns including composition, line, value and subject matter while having fun honing our skills and creating original drawings. Some basic drawing materials are provided such as graphite, charcoal, and newsprint. However, participants may bring whatever materials they like including pastels, watercolor/ink, collage materials and any other tools with which they choose to draw. Enjoy the Ranch setting while broadening your drawing experience. All skill levels are welcome.
Please contact Elizabeth Ferrill, Artistic Director of Painting, Drawing and Printmaking, to RSVP and get more information at [email protected]
Ceramics: “Circle of Fire” Kiln Firings
Local ceramic artists and potters are invited to fire work with the Anderson Ranch team in the Ranch’s own incredible wood kilns. Pottery and sculptures need to be made of high fire stoneware and porcelain clays. The glazing can happen with Ranch glazes the day before the loading. Our Studio Coordinator of Ceramics, Louise Deroualle will plan, load and coordinate the firings in our V6 wood/soda kiln.
Fall 2020
December 7 – 14 | Big Soda Kiln (gas/soda)
Cost of firing per participant $50 + cost of firing split proportionally by the volume of work each participant has in the kiln.
- December 7 & 8 | Deliver work/glaze/wad each piece. By appointment.
- December 9 | Firing begins.
- December 10 | Finish the firing/spray soda solution.
- December 14 | Unload the kiln and clean up.
Winter 2021
March 16 – April 2 | Noborigama
Cost of firing per participant $100 + cost of firing split proportionally by the volume of work each participant has in the kiln.
- March 16-19 | Deliver work/glaze/wad each piece. By appointment.
- March 22 & 23 | Load the kiln. There will be a sign-up sheet for loading shifts.
- March 23-26 Fire the kiln. There will be a sign-up sheet for firing shifts. Shifts are 6 hours long.
- April 2 | Unload the kiln and clean up.
The Noborigama kiln is requires a commitment from participants and very labor intensive.
If you plan to participate you will be part of the whole process of loading, firing and cleaning up.
Please contact Louise Deroualle, Studio Coordinator of Ceramics, to RSVP or get more information at [email protected]