Ashlyn Pope

Ashlyn Pope is a ceramic and textile artist of Gullah descent. Ashlyn’s work is centered around using collective and personal experiences of being an African American. Ashlyn earned her BFA from Kennesaw State University and her MFA at Penn State University. Currently, Ashlyn is a professor at Coastal Carolina University.

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Ashlyn's Upcoming Workshops

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    Open to All

    Students of any skill and knowledge level.

Jun 17 - 21, 2024
9AM - 5PM

Cups, Stories and Empathy

Chris Staley, Ashlyn Pope

Tuition $1,200
Code C0303-24

Thousands of years ago, potters made separate vessels to hold tears of joy and tears of sorrow. How can cups we make hold stories we wish to share? How can stories induce empathy? These questions and more are explored in dynamic ways. This workshop includes myriad demonstrations, from creating sgraffito images to pulled hollow handles, and include both throwing and hand building techniques. Every mark, shape, form, image, and color reminds us of something. With an open heart and a seeker's spirit, all are welcome in this shared search for meaning.

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