Carl Reed

Carl Reed is a sculptor and professor emeritus at Colorado College. His sculpture ranges from gallery-scaled pieces to large, site-specific public projects. He is particularly interested in the expressive capacity of materials and often combines stone, wood, metal, and concrete. His work has been exhibited nationally and in Sweden.

Carl's Upcoming Workshops

  • I

    Level I

    Students are new to sculpture and have no formal training.

  • II

    Level II

    Students have a basic knowledge of 3­-D art making and sculpture concepts and are comfortable using a variety of hand and power tools. Students have taken one or two sculpture classes or workshops.

Jun 2 - 6, 2025

The Brutal and the Delicate: Steel Combined with Soft Materials

Carl Reed

Tuition $1,290
Code S0102-25

Throughout art history, steel has been associated with industry, violence, and strength. This workshop challenges such connections by investigating ways steel can become visually delicate, and by inventing new meanings and visual relationships through combining steel with materials with opposite characteristics. Exercises address technical and creative inquiries regarding how steel is cut, shaped, and physically joined, and how to challenge material assumptions if steel becomes a secondary, rather than primary, compositional element. We explore the aesthetic and technical consequences of combining steel with soft, vulnerable, contradictory, and unexpected materials.

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