Kenturah Davis

Kenturah Davis is an artist working between Los Angeles and Accra (Ghana). Using text as a point of departure, she explores the fundamental role that language has in shaping how we understand ourselves and the world around us. Her work has been included in institutional exhibitions in Africa, Asia, Australia and Europe. Kenturah was commissioned by LA Metro to create large-scale, site-specific works permanently installed on the new Crenshaw/LAX rail line. She was an inaugural artist fellow at NXTHVN in New Haven, CT.

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    Open to All

    Students of any skill and knowledge level.

Jul 1 - 5, 2024
9AM - 5PM

TEXTile: Drawing, Weaving and Writing

Kenturah Davis

Tuition $1,225
Code D0511-24

This exciting, mixed-media workshop explores the intersection of drawing, writing and textiles. Through these processes, students discover the subtle ways that we encode material, causing meaning to appear and disappear from view, and how the combination of text and image can create a rich narrative. The ancient technologies of weaving are introduced as a way to bridge the process with that of writing. Students experiment with the method of making paper into thread and weaving it into a cloth. Emphasis is placed on how these media merge together to create a powerful narrative.

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