Koichi Yamamoto

Koichi Yamamoto is an artist who merges the traditional and contemporary by creating unique and innovative approaches to the language of printmaking, with work ranging from meticulous copper engravings to large-scale monotypes and kites. He studied at the Pacific Northwest College of Art in Portland, OR, then relocated to Krakow, Poland and Bratislava Academy of Fine Arts in Slovakia to learn about copper engravings. He completed his MFA at the University of Alberta, Canada. He has taught at Utah State University and the University of Delaware, and is currently a professor at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville.

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Koichi's Upcoming Workshops

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    Open to All

    Students of any skill and knowledge level.

Aug 5 - 9, 2024
9AM - 5PM

Intaglio: Visual Fundamentals and Line

Koichi Yamamoto

Tuition $1,160
Code R1009-24

Investigate fundamental visual elements in this printmaking course, which include drypoint, engraving, and etching on copper. Understanding the various qualities of lines possible in intaglio is an essential part of building dynamic drawings and compositions. Students experiment with the fast, dynamic, and expressive gestural marks used in drypoint and the slow, precise lines required for engravings and dots. The workshop begins by covering drypoint techniques that are later translated to copper engraving using a burin and etchings. Additionally, the history of etching is introduced, as well as technical demos including chine-collé and à la poupée.

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