Kylie Manning

Kylie Manning is a painter based in Brooklyn, NY. Kylie’s work is heavily informed by the atmospheres, latitudes, and colors present in the various geographies of her childhood. Using brushwork, light, and balance, her oil paint compositions center on ethereal, gestural, and genderless figures within expansive, disparate landscapes.

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Kylie's Upcoming Workshops

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    Open to All

    Students of any skill and knowledge level.

Jul 29 - Aug 2, 2024
9AM - 5PM

Oil Painting: Color, Brush and Mark

Kylie Manning

Tuition $1,225
Code D0917-24

Embark upon an oil painting journey by learning the fundamentals of the medium and finding new ways to develop personal imagery. Emphasis is on developing the lush, nuanced surfaces that oil painting can accomplish, focusing on canvas preparation, underpainting, glazing, color, and brush stroke. Students are encouraged to consider the subject matter, narrative, and many formal concerns that support these concepts. Composition, form, mood, contrast, and surface are also topics to be explored. This rigorous course results in several paintings upon which to build and reflect.

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