Takuro Shibata

Takuro and Hitomi Shibata are ceramicists from Shigaraki, Japan, now living in Seagrove, NC. Takuro earned BE in Applied Chemistry and is director of STARworks Ceramics. Hitomi earned BEd & MEd degrees in ceramic art. They are members of the International Academy of Ceramics, and co-authored Wild Clay in 2022.

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Takuro's Upcoming Workshops

  • II

    Level II

    Students have a basic understanding of forming techniques, such as throwing and hand building. Students have taken one or two ceramics classes or workshops.

  • III

    Level III

    Students have significant experience with clay forming techniques, such as throwing, hand building and modeling. Students are comfortable with ceramics equipment, such as wheels, extruders and slab rollers. Students are self­-starting with some formal training and have taken a minimum of three classes or workshops.

Jul 15 - 26, 2024
9AM - 5PM

Exploring Forms: Hand-Building

Takuro Shibata, Hitomi Shibata

Tuition $1,600
Code C0708-24

Hand-building and coil-building are essential pottery-making techniques that offer infinite possibilities for creating unique forms. Takuro and Hitomi’s experience at Shigaraki provided them with valuable knowledge of various forming methods. In this workshop, Takuro and Hitomi demonstrate how to effectively make and handle coils, as well as how to connect the coils at the right timing. The workshop also discusses the importance of the drying process and how to carve and shape the clay to create unique vessel forms. The workshop's goal is to inspire participants to explore the endless possibilities of hand-building techniques and incorporate them into their own practice.

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